random picture

15 March 2007

nyquil is potent

i awoke this morning around 6:30 and made my way downstairs. my throat was still sore and my nose was crusted up. yeah, that's gross, i know. i flipped on the light and reaced for the nyquil. it's the red kind. and it tastes like red would taste. yeah, it's gross too. i chased it down with a big glass of water and went back to bed. then, i was out like a light and slept quite soundly.

i feel pretty good today. moving is less stiff and i'm more loosened up. it looks as if my strength and energy level is coming back. let's hope for the sake of those i run into today, that my head's on straight! it's definately been on some other planet the last few days. looks like i'm back. weeeeeeeeee! cheers . . ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear you're under the weather. For some reason I don't have your email address Anyway, I'm still watching basketball tonight and the rest of tomorrow if you want to come over. Right now, it's just me, but you're welcome to stop by.
