random picture

31 October 2007

it's halloween!

i never got my hair cut which really bums me out. i was going for a mohawk. it would have topped off the 80's punk rocker i was going to be today. i still want to try a mohawk for awhile, see how it goes. sometime soon. 4: anywho, here's my jack-o-lantern this year.

cheers . . ..

31oct07 today's quote

autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.

-albert camus-

30 October 2007

30oct07 today's quote

a good home must be made, not bought.

-joyce maynard-

29oct07 today's quote

i bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of halloween.

28 October 2007

some pics from the last week, or so...

i took this tonight while sitting at o'rourke's after work. i had an itch for coffee and didn't want to walk two blocks to get one, so i went three doors down and got one. the cashews behind the bar were calling to me so i picked some of them up too. then i played a few games of pinball.

this little girl was also in the bar. weird, huh? yes indeed. to see a little girl in the bar. but hold your thoughts for a moment. she was doing just fine in the bar. she had adults (i assume her mother and father) looking after her. it's a sunday early evening so there isn't any riff raff in the bar. she was happily coloring in her coloring books. i found this very cool. not that i would condone my children being in a bar at that age, but if the situation was like this one, then i'd have not a single problem with it.

this is my roomie yesterday at a tool expo we went to. he is holding the biggest combination wrench i've ever seen!

this is a pumpkin i picked up at the pumpkin patch last week. i will be cooking him and making my famous pumpkin cranberry bread, some pancakes, and hopefully some muffins. no pie, though, because i'm terrible at pies.

cheers . . ..

here we go again

my excellent and fantastic roomie has gotten the internet up and running on both computers again. w00t! looks like i'm back in business blogging on a daily basis then.

cheers . . ..

28oct07 today's quote

after i'm dead, i'd rather have people ask why i have no monument, than why i have one.

-cato the elder-

14 October 2007

14oct07 today's quote

what is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight.

-joseph joubert-

13 October 2007

i hear nebraska is getting ROCKED.

uh-oh. now i have to listen to all the bitter fans whine for weeks on end. i have to say, the whining is one thing i cannot stand about nebraska fans.

and on a side note, hawaii is 7 and 0. colt brennan had another typical day passing for 545 yards BUT he threw 4 interceptions. that'll bring his rating down.

cheers . . ..

until i get around to a wireless router...

there won't be regular updates to the blog. that stinks. i know. here are some updates on life:

-i've been moved to days at work so i'll be off around 5pm each day. no weekends. sweet!
-my cousin is getting married in january. i get to be an usher and also do the sound/music at the reception.
-brittan finished the assembly of his new bike. here's a pic:
-my younger brother bought a ps3.
-i've been playing a lot of pinball.
-that's the short list. i'm out. cheers . . ..

video of a prank, on youtube

so funny! i laughed hard!

cheers . . ..

13oct07 today's quote

men are not against you, they are merely for themselves.

-gene fowler-

02 October 2007

long time no blog

:dusts cobwebs off of my blog:

boy! it's been a while since i've blogged. the reason? after returning from colorado, the network hub between ben's computer and my laptop was removed and ever since, my laptop doesn't want to connect to the internet (despite many attempts). i feel awkward taking up time on ben's computer. and i've been in a funk for a bit. this combination has left the blog rather barren for the last three weeks.

there is no way i'm going to make up for lost time by posting all that's been going on in my life. it would take a long time and the post would be way too long. catch you on the flip side. cheers . . ..

02oct07 today's quote

education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.

-b f skinner-