random picture

27 April 2007

i think bored is the term used here

i'm bored. i don't want to sit. i want to DO something, something that requires movement, and the use of energy, and brain power. i could invent something. even if it was a rifle, or sword, out of tree branch. or a conversation that two people who are just walking down the street are having. or a game, with rules that obviously need to be thought out more and fine-tuned but not caring about that. or a spur of the moment destination to go to. yeah! now that sounds like fun. but i fear i don't have people whom with which to engage in these activities. ho hum. rumor has it brook talsma's having people gather on the morrow at the starlite lounge in the evening. the starlite is in the haymarket below buzzard billy's. the gathering will be held in brook's honor, whom is celebrating a birthday on tuesday. cheers . . ..

1 comment:

Jamie said...

just came browsing, over from renae's blog. i do believe this is my first time here. i thoroughly enjoyed all the cat pictures. i don't really like cats -- but apparently i like cat pictures.
