random picture

28 February 2007

no thanks, not interested, CLICK

today was as rough as 20 grit sandpaper. people weren't at all cooperative. no one wanted to talk to me today. and out of the ones that did, i got the worst batch of rudeness i've ever been dealt while working at gallup.

one guy with broken english flew off the handle and launched into a flurry of angry tones directed at me and hung up on me. i called him right back and he went into it again. and i sternly reiterated what was going on and suggested he calm down and that there was no problem. he was absolutely reluctant to cooperate. after he yelling at me for fifteen minutes and i yelling back at him, i finally told him angrily that i was terminating the call on the behalf of his misunderstanding. the thing that stunk the most about the ordeal, is that the guy was on the last question when he erupted. oh well, i still got credit for it even though it was not 100% complete. but i felt like bawling and had a very difficult time maintaining composure on the next call.

then, one after the other, i was connected to inconsiderate and rude people. i worked ten hours today feeling like i put in twenty five and only getting eight hour's pay. i'm glad it's over. tomorrow is a new day and i'm looking forward to it. weeeeee! do have a good night all. cheers . . ..


Heather Lea said...

scottie B!!! i'm so sad you had a rotton...rotten....day. :( I was thinking today about how much i enjoyed the link to the man who makes paper things- it was amazing! i passed that on to some of my great friends...thanks for sharing.

i hope tomorow goes better. i bet you'll be stronger at work now and a better worker because you had to put up with those people....the crappy day had to come sometime, right?! Now days will seem a lot better because you can compare them to THAT day. :)

Hope tomorow is AWESOME!!!

scottieb said...

i'm glad you got enjoyment from the site. it is amazing. and you passed it along too! that's awesome.

thank you for the insight as well. heather, it's very appreciated. today, there's too much snow so i may not be working.

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