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19 February 2007

tonight, it's nachos for deeeener

what you need for nachos excelente,

santitas brand yellow corn chips
refried beans
diced tomatos
black beans
shredded cheese

i put aluminum foil on a cookie sheet to ease clean up. i cook the black beans on the stove top for a bit to get them a tad bit tender and to get them nice a warm. spread the santitas on the cookie sheet, then top heftily with the frijoles refritos (refried beans), black beans, and half to three-fourths of the diced toms. bake in the oven for a short while. then, add the cheese and the rest of the toms. put back in oven and continue baking until cheese melts.

boy oh boy! you'll have some good nachos then. they are great for gatherings such as movie and game nights. cheap, filling, and oh so yummy. now i eat. cheers . . ..

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