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03 August 2007

wilber czech festival 2007

the czech festival is in full swing! i was planning on heading down this morning to get ducks and dumplings. SO GOOD! it's duck cooked up wonderfully, dumplings, saurkraut, and a sauce. the old ladies in town cook it up in the morning for breakfast. they've been cooking all sorts of goodies all week long, i'm sure. i am anxious to get ahold of some colaches! i'll be heading down to wilber tonight after work.

here is the wilber czech festival website. it has a link to the schedule of events. if i wasn't going to be busy tomorrow, i'd take the fairlane down for the car show (after i had some ducks and dumplings).


yummy food, lots of people, and polka! i love polka music. you just can't help but smile when polka music is being played. have a good day. cheers . . ..

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