random picture

14 August 2007

ready? set? okay... here goes

quick post of the day's events. and i mean quick, i'm going to bed.

this morning, my phone showed a missed call from my younger brother at 2:41am. made me worry. received a call from super target optical requesting i come in and interview on thursday afty. i baked a casserole. it rules. at work, i called a woman whose first name was "lady". i had some fun on the call. "okay lady. you don't speak english lady? lady, what language do you speak? i'll have someone call you back lady that speaks spanish. lady, have a great evening okay? goodbye lady." i intentionally was loud. people around me wondered what the duece was going on. ha ha! went to seward. hung out with jake. am now recommending the gallery to everyone i know. am also recommending to everyone i know that they not play jake in pool...they will lose. barteneder there recognized me from 80's night. small world. jake went to work. i drove, windows down, home. chased a moth around the house. he must have snuck in when i came in. catch and release. he's flying around outside now. drank some water. blogged. went to bed.

okay. now i'm off to bed. don't let the bed bugs bite. cheers . . ..

1 comment:

Maggie said...

bed bugs are biting alot - well actually mosquito's! Will be glad to leave them behind that's for sure!