let's get back on track now. friday night was another lit night at the taylors' house in norfolk. josh, ben, and i drove up early that evening right after ben got off work. josh slept a majority of the way there. i felt i didn't have much to talk about because i was so excited to get to norfolk and see everyone. but i managed to converse with ben. we drove through a thick, thick fog and that helped give us a topic.
i was expecting more people to show, but the smaller crowd was really awesome. jake, dave, and jonathan came up too! last time i was there for lit night, i was picked to read first. and that was my first time. i was only a little nervous but was stoked to be going first. this time, we drew numbers. guess who got number one? uh-huh. me. i read from the little prince. again i was a little nervous. i started reading but realized afterward that i didn't preface what i was reading. i hadn't set up a context for everyone to know what was going on. i feel people would have gotten more out of it had i given them that context. there would have been more discussion, too. but alas, time cannot be reversed and i only hope i remember next time.
there were some really good reads there: poems, stories, short stories, etc. there wasn't as much a discussion as there was last lit night. i kinda missed the discussion. it's so cool to hear what others pull out of the readings. it's also so cool to hear what it means to people. there was food and drink to be had during it all. and afterward, there was still food. then there was card playing. mel and i lost twice in hand and foot. i was getting tired then. probably because it was 2:30 in the morning. i went to bed, prayed, and thought about the usual thoughts that are on my heart. i slept well though i woke up a lot during the night.
it was good to lounge with everyone in the morning. we had muffins and eggs and coffee. i had a banana and some juice too. someone suggested going to the ymca for wallyball, but too few had the money to spend or the clothes to wear for such a thing. so we settled on "apples to apples". it was very fun. unfortunately i couldn't stay saturday as well for i had to work that evening at 5. so ben and i drove back to lincoln. josh stayed and grabbed a ride home from jonathan.
work was slow lastnight. but i did make a LOT of tips. work was long and i didn't get out of there until 12:40ish. well, partly because i took a 20 mile detour after my last delivery so i could get out of the city, where it's dark, to take a picture of the sweet sweet moon lastnight. holy cow! it was amazing! but the camera on my mobile absolutely is crap when it comes to capturing shots of the moon. but it's still etched in my memory. w00t! i had a beer at o'rourke's with my friends peter and jeff. then i came home and hopped in bed.
church today was good. people ate afterwards. josh and i went to shopko. he bought a notebook for $.99. i came home to do some laundry and blog before going off to work. and now, here i am. here are some pics i took while in norfolk. i only took a few.
this is jake saturday morning.
this is jonathan saturday morning. i asked him to make a funny face, but he didn't give me one.
this is the taylors' dog. her name is daisy. she's little and very cute.
another pic of daisy.
and another pic of daisy.
i had taken more pictures but they were blurry and too hard to make out. i never said i was a good photographer. lol. have a great ending to your week all!
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