random picture

25 May 2007

where's the meat?

a lady friend and i were talking recently. we were discussing how many, many (too many actually) women find an obsecent need to be thin, thin, thin. f*** that was my lady friend's comment. amen to that, i say.

she recognizes something wrong in the picture. something that has gone awry. there's nothing wrong with being fit. i think we all can agree on that. i think we all can see that. what we all sometimes cannot see, is the obsessiveness that there is. there are people that are so thin that it's either disgusting, unhealthy, or both. and there are people that are not "thin" per se, but aren't fat by any means either. yet they stress over how unthin they are. arghhhhh!

i'm sorry. i don't want to see your rib cage. i don't want to be able to crack jokes about how i can fit a cheerio up over your bicep. skin and bones is NOT attractive. there needs to be something there for me to hold onto. some substance. do you know that softness is one of the most attractive things about women? they say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. well, the most beautiful distance between two points is a curve, in my opinion.

my friend confessed she brought up the conversation out of bitterness to the fact that she was not herself thin. but she felt compelled to keep up with, or compete with the thin women. i asked her what women she was talking about. and if those women were, too, on a contest to get thinner. i believe the realization was made that her negative emotions and feelings sprang from her comparing herself to others. comparing, really, is about the only way to find difference in things. drop the comparison and you drop the worry, i told her. she said she's never felt accepted like this before. yeah for her! i got a good, warm and fuzzy feeling inside. goodnight all. cheers . . ..

1 comment:

Heather Lea said...

this is good to hear, my friend. a good reminder that God has one mold for EACH person- not one mold for ALL persons.