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31 May 2007

oodles of things happening

i am starting a temp job at nelnet. my brother benjamin is coming to spend the weekend. we're going to have fun, eat like kings, play some paintball, putt a few rounds of mini golf, bowl a few games, and go to the mall and make fun of people making fun of people...i'm stoked. pending approval of our rental applications, ben taylor and i will be moving in about two weeks to 27th and capital parkway. it will be much nicer living closer to the epicenter of the bike trails and bus routes. a fountain is just across the street as a garden is also. and living only blocks away from the davy's is no bad thing, either. there are a number of concerts coming up that i am excited about. live music is just so awesome. i'm also planning a trip to kearney for a weekend and another, in norfolk for a weekend. fun fun. lots of things towards which to look forward. and it's summertime. ah summertime. long days and warmth. i'm off to bed all. cheers . . ..

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