random picture

13 May 2007

a checklist of those i want to hang out with. one on one. mono a mono.

mike: i'd like to hang out. we should play pool, or better yet, foosball. food wouldn't be bad either.

spady: because i have only for brief bits of time. food is a must. perhaps some big game is to be had (baseball?). i think a movie would also do.

heather: because it's been too long. it seems i only say hi at church. and you are leaving soon.

scott and gina: again, because it's been ages. and you're a great couple with super cool attitudes. i always enjoy my time with you.

megan: because you are leaving soon too. i say over coffee, or iced tea, or ice-cream.

kyle and lori: just to keep up.

jake: to continue our conversation that started at the men's retreat.

roark: because we always have a blast. food, bowling, and a pint of beer are all a must.

mike hsu: the last time we hung out, my head wasn't on straight. plus, it's been too long. and i haven't seen the piranha in forever.

my brother benjamin: because he's graduating this year. i would like the oppurtunity to share some wisdom on things. bowling is out of the question, since you'd WOOP me. mini golf? fishing? paintball?

my grandmother: she's someone i could sit for hours and listen to. such a wise woman. such great stories.

kristen, my older brother's fiance: i don't know her at all. plus, i'm concerned.

steve allen: i see you at church and at old chicago, that's it.

that's the list so far. i'm done thinking out loud. cheers . . ..

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