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22 May 2007

stock up on the postcards now

so many people are leaving this summer. i know nearly a dozen people that soon will be gone for a while. the upcoming summer is going to be quite a different one. friends will be gone. there will be many weddings to go to like last year (weddings are always such a great celebration but can be hard too for the single guy). i will be much worried about my younger brother whom did not graduate from high school this year as he should. what will come of this all important time in his life? my older brother will be marrying in september and i worry about that. a new residency for me is just around the corner. school starts in the fall. and more.

phew! a lot going on. a lot to be thinking about. this will definately be a summer like no other, but my shoes are laced up tight and i'm ready to go. cheers . . ..


Jay said...

scottie, I miss you.

I'm sorry your life is in turmoil. I have always found that it is in these moments that the most profound revelations, the most sincere praise, and the most God-centered experiences arise. I pray for you.

scottieb said...

lol. i think turmoil is too strong a word here. there is simply a lot going on (and a lot that will be going on) that i am thinking about. perhaps, a bit too prematurely. :shrug: so great to hear from you jay. i've not called you yet. bad scottie. cheers . . ..

Unknown said...

Hi Scottie, If you think of life as one big birthday party, sometimes you have a pile of little presents to open, sometimes you have just one or two big ones, and sometimes you have stacks and veritable towers of big presents to open. Like a plethora of too many good things. This summer with all this flux, God is giving you many things to open and look at and share with Him; the best sort of person to 'play' with. Hope you find joy in the things, little and big, that you find your mind dwelling on. Lori Taylor