random picture

14 May 2007

how often do you see three mini coopers at one intersection?

well. today i saw it. three, count 'em, three mini coopers at the intersection of 14th and old cheney. i was on my way to the coffee shop and i saw them. it was just an odd enough thing to post about.

i left work early today because my voice was hoarse, scratchy, and fading FAST. dave, ben, and i went to the nebraska baseball game yesterday afternoon. there was quite the display of bad calls from the umps and thus, the lack of voice today. i was yelling quite a bit as were many in the crowd. adding that to the normal rooting and cheering has caused my voice to go on vacation. having a terrible voice to no voice at all is not a good thing when one's occupation is speaking with people on the telephone. i sounded like a robotic monster from mars when i could strain enough to get words out.

the weather is looking to be bad again. weather.com is showing a long string of red and yellow coming towards and right through lincoln very soon. the wind outside has just picked up tremendously. people are standing outside making comments of tornados. "look! the clouds are rotating!" dude. they're not. chill out. good thing i went to a couple storm spotting classes with roark once. for i now can look at the skies with more knowledge and not prematurely freak out...as the patrons of the coffee shop are doing. let us hope, though, that tonight there isn't a tornado here or elsewhere.

i need to buy a battery pac for my rc car. i pulled it out of the closet recently and miss playing with it. the darn thing is soooooooo fast! anyone have some plywood lying around? i need to make a ramp.

it has just started to lightning. it is not directly above me, but a bit to the west. i predict it to be straight overhead soon.

i cleaned out my wallet not too long ago. in it, i found a couple of punch cards to juice stop. well, juice stop no longer takes punch cards. it seems the "reward" was abolished the first of the year. i also noticed something unfortunate last night while buying sun chips. the coupon on the back of the super saver receipt used to be good for $1.00 off a smoothie at juice stop. currently (and i imagine it's been for some time) the coupon is only good for $.75 off a smoothie. and to top off this rant, the prices at juice stop have gone up some. this all saddens me to a great degree. higher prices, less discounts, and no rewards are making juice stop a far less occurance for me now. blame it on inflation. blame it on higher gas prices. blame it on fewer customers. or blame it on whatever. the current state STINKS.

the clouds are pretty dark now, almost scary. i'm glad i'm not a helium-filled balloon that a child has just let go of. i'd be on my way up to all that scariness!

i miss you brittan. we've not hung out in a while. hanging out with jay on saturday night brought the missing to the forefront of my mind. jay, kayle, and i climbed atop a grainbin somewhat close to his house. innocent mischief like that was more than common when i was younger. i remember, brittan, we were talking about how we never got in trouble. you made the comment "we were just so good at it". lol. it's true. jay would have been a fellow mischief-er if he'd grown up with us, i'm sure.

the rain has started. falling down now are big, heavy drops. no hail. let's hope it stays that way.

this has been a pretty random post. and i'm done now. done because i could go on forever. go play in the rain. cheers . . ..

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