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25 February 2008

the days have been full

it seems each day of last week was packed to the brim with things to do. after awaking for the day, i was going here and going there, only to return a long time later and get some more shut eye. and not lots of it either. but don't worry. i'm not one requiring much.

i've been thinking about how many people i know. moreso actually, how many people know me. there are so many different people i know, and different groups of people too. i'm outgoing and an includer. i'm hopeful and believe things don't have to be the way they are. but lately, there has been these thoughts in my mind. "how many relationships can i have? how connected can they get? are some relationships going to fade away?" they are thoughts with enough validity that i need to give my time to them. perhaps instead of doing and keeping up, i need to focus a bit more. focus on me (what i believe, what i want, what i can do), and not the relationships. well, we'll see what happens!



Maggie said...

Hi, Didn't get your comment until today (Monday!), so wasn't able to call you on Friday! Sob!! may try & call you sometime this week, just to try & work out some time to talk!!

Anonymous said...

Before I moved to Lincoln, I only had a handful of friends and even less close ones - mostly acquaintances. But now I see this trend changing. And I too have to think and have thought about how close am I able to get to all these new people in my life? Well, I'm not sure and time will tell but so far so good.

It's not easy for me to get close to many people because my tendencies are to spend most of my time with people I identify with most, like my wife. But since I've started going to Grace I'm learning how to spread the "David love" to anyone who appreciates it.