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30 November 2007

kinda in a funk today

it started last night actually. i went to bed with some things on my mind. awaking to a new day helped, but only slightly. as the morning went on, i started feeling alone - the kind of alone where you really want to embrace someone and cry and be held. after that kind of embrace, you're ready to talk about the things in your mind or on your heart. i wanted to talk this morning, too.

i did get a text message from molly that boosted my spirits quite a bit. but there was still this lurking sense of loneliness and depression. i tried taking a nap but couldn't shut my mind off to get to sleep. i thought playing video games might help. it did slightly, but then i was soon wanting someone to play them with.

on my way to work, i told myself the old army teaching, "suck it up. drive on." yeah. i guess it works. but it's just repression really. it's not a method of actually dealing with anything. i'm hoping to feel better around my fellow co-workers. if you run into me tonight, give me a big ole hug, will ya? thanks.


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