random picture

04 September 2007

roller suit video

a guy in a specially designed suit with little wheels. it's just him and the suit, flying along through the swiss alps. it's absolutely amazing how fast he is going.

cheers . . ..


Anonymous said...

Wow I'm impressed! I can't figure out how he defies gravity like that! traveling uphill at those speeds is so impressive. He must have graduated from MIT of something. Maybe he's alien. He must have designed a nuclear power source that's small enough to wear and not cause cancer. The engineering is incredible! I want one of those! All transportation problems are solved! Strap it on and go! How do the breaks work though?

Oh, he's going down hill! Never mind.

What a cool design, I really do want one. Maybe I can design something like it. Too bad there isn't enough down hill road around here for it, or is there?

Maggie said...

I miss you! What is your email address!?!